Friday, September 10, 2010

You know what really grinds my gears.....

  1. When newspapers spell bacterial names wrong. Come on, I used to lose 5% on tests and papers if I misspelled them. Seriously, Google it, it takes seconds.
  2. The term ‘bugs’ when referring to bacteria. Bugs are things that are creepy and crawly, they are not microscopic organisms. Call them bacteria or even germs, you just sound cooler.
  3. When yogurt manufacturers make up cool names for their cool new ‘probiotics’. Really, is that necessary? First of all it’s yogurt, it already has probiotics in it, it’s what makes it yogurt and these bacteria all ready have cool names as it is.
  4. I also dislike the word ‘superbug’ when referring to MRSA or VRE for example. Really, these are not some super scary creepy crawling things; they are drug-resistant bacteria. In most cases it’s not even the ‘bug’ that’s super; it’s the drug resistant gene the bacteria has acquired.
  5. When the general public believes what celebrities have to say over scientific evidence. Seriously if you are going to believe a former Playboy model but not someone with a Ph.D, then you have some serious issues.


  1. Well said Mehay! Couldn't have said it better myself.

  2. Bugs aren't even what people call bugs; insects are. True bugs are of the order hemiptera, have piercing and sucking mouth parts and their wings are crossed on their backs. The 'gophers' people see running about are Richardson ground squirrels and the 'buffalo' in Wood Buffalo Park are Bison. RRrr the end
