Wednesday, September 1, 2010

In my next life

I have a list of things that I will do in my next life. Not a Bucket List really, just a little list of things that I have filed away and would like to be able to say at a cocktail party that I am involved with.

So I present to you my list:
  1. In one of my next lives I would like to be able to tell someone that I work at the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta. I would like to be able to be a part of the team that investigates the next Legionnaire’s Disease-type outbreak and unravel the mystery of how a strange pneumonia spreads through a convention of Legionnaires in Philadelphia.
  2. I would really like to be the one to say, “...10...9...8...We have a "go" for main engine start...5...4...3....2....1...Booster ignition...and...LIFTOFF OF THE SPACE SHUTTLE DISCOVERY” at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida (since my mom won’t let me be an astronaut). I have practiced this. I think I would be very good at it.
  3. I would like to be Roberta Bondar’s personal assistant for at least a day. I think that I would be completely exhausted by coffee on the first morning, but how thrilling to just be that close to a true Canadian hero.
  4. To be a cryptanalyst who worked on breaking the code of the Enigma cipher; or some modern-day equivalent.
  5. I think I would be an excellent motivational speaker. I have a lot of things that I could tell you that would make you feel warm and fuzzy inside (without actually using the words “warm” and “fuzzy”). My only problem is I am painfully shy and do not like public speaking.  And, well – that might be a small problem.
I hope that I have a lot of lives left. I have a lot left to do. 


  1. I wouldn't mind spending a day with either Stephen Hawking or Noam Chomsky.

  2. Oh, that is an excellent start to an excellent list.
