Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Canadians In SPACE!

Good News on Any Day!

This is as exciting for me as the good old days when the new phone books arrived. I was beside myself to hear that Commander Chris Hadfield, American Tom Marshburn and Russian Roman Romanenko safely lifted off at 7:12 a.m. ET (6:12 p.m. local time) in Baikonur, Kazakhstan, where temperatures were hovering around –30°C. 

This will be Commander Hadfield's third time in space, but what makes this trip SO exciting is that he will be serving as the Commander of the International Space Station starting in March 2013. A new service launched by NASA (Spot the Station) allows you to sign up and receive a notifications when the ISS is visible from your location!

Also exciting about this trip to space for Commander Hadfield - he will be co-writing a song with Barenaked Ladies lead singer, Ed Robertson. The song will be called "Is Somebody Singing" or "ISS". It is set to premiere on February 8 on CBC-TV, radio and at
There are other more scientific things he will be participating in, but I am just excited that he is up there. YAY Cmdr. Chris Hadfield!!
And, if you are a part of the Twitter-verse, follow Cmdr Hadfield: @Cmdr_Hadfield. He has posted some great photos of the days leading up to the launch of the Soyuz Spacecraft.